Sunday, March 8, 2009

Into The Feel of Music

After researching thousands of years, civilizations have discovered several means of being in Ecstasy (the state of bliss). It was and is never ending quest to find means of ultimate joy. One wonderful instrument discovered is this process is music. Music leads you in state of harmony and tranquility without any active efforts. Many meditation techniques (specially the “Osho” ones) have music and dance at core. It is language of soul and desire of ears.

Everyone listens some sort of music. Possibly each of us has developed exclusive style to listen, experience and realize music. The element of style in listening is diverse and very personal. The taste, listening approach, reaction to song, everything about music differs from person to person. Only constant is “feel” of music.

The way I love music/songs is drowning, diving and immersing into it, bit similar to a drop dissolving in ocean. I would listen a song and if I like it, then unending tryst with song and its music would start. I would listen it again, that in turn would make me to like the song more. So I listen it again and then again! This leads to a vicious cycle. The more I listen, the more I like. After 15-20 times, I start feeling the music. Few more rounds and then music takes over me, all around, it starts resonating in me. Not only the ears but every part of consciousness in me experiences, admires and cherish beauty of music. The music is in me and I am in it. The difference between listener and listening is diminished. Nothing but music remains and oneness is experienced.

The habit of listening the song again and again, possibly 50-60 times and even more, in continuation is irritating-frustrating-annoying for those around me. Few years back, I worked in night time for short duration at my workplace. We were 3 guys at that time and used to sit in mini conference room. I would start listening the 'Razia Sultan' movie songs (Remember those great creations ‘Ae Dil E Nadan aarzoo kya hai’, ‘Tera Hijr Mera Naseeb Hai’ and ‘Aayee zanjeer ki jhankar’). If you like the song, it feels good but if do not like, then it is big torture. I would listen same songs for continuous 1 hours or so every day, for 1-2 weeks. It was unfortunate (for my those two friends!) that I was not having the headphone that time. I would listener on full volume on my workstation. You can imagine the torture those unfortunate chaps have gone through ;-). Basically, it was very hostile workplace for them; making them listen very same song over and over was big physical and mental harassment. Things would become horrible, when I would start singing along in not-so-charming voice!! But, then finally good sense prevailed and they accepted my 'extreme' style of feeling music. Rumors were floating around that they went to Psychiatrist to get mental damage corrected that was caused by fashionable way of listening music ;-)

My taste of music is varied, it scale over many decades. So when I like 'Dil ki Girah' of 1967, so do 'O Pardeshi' of 2009! Choice and taste of music changes as time changes. Nothing remains permanent, other than “feel” of music. These days my penchant is for Sufi sort of creation.

Listening and feeling music is a sort of meditation for me. When in resonance of music, it feels you connect to ‘Supreme’ (The God) Energy to some extent. It is way to relax at gross level and a way to feel oneness with creator at subtle levels. Diving into music is among few unique experiences. Some of such other experiences are walking at Palolem beach, Goa at midnight with friend, watching the mighty waves of endless sea (I feel very near to creator); being in some deep forest on long trek surrounded by nothing but green (It turns eyes into green and you appreciate nature like never before); sleeping in open at my tiny and beautiful village and looking at stars (fresh air, clear sky and serenity of night is revitalizing); reading classic Hindi poetry at leisure; spending 10 days in isolated hills of Jaipur doing Vipassana Meditation and list goes on.

Enough of my ranting, now let me play 'Dama Dam Mast Qalandar' 30th ( or is it 50th, my maths is little week ) time !